ACE Gold
Continuing on your ACE journey to become Best in Class will result in exceeding the customer’s expectations. This is the ultimate goal. While ACE Gold is the statement of verification for this fact. – THINK BEST – BE GOLD!
ACE Tools - RRCA
Remember the criteria states that you must use a variety of RRCA tools. The 5 Why's are not the only Root Cause tool – the right methodology should be chosen depending on the type of problem. Other tools such as the Root Cause Tree, Fishbone, Event Tree, Multi Vari, Concentration diagrams etc. are effective tools that yield good results for many business problems. There should be at least one RRCA expert in each site.
Remember to share the successes of your QCPC projects. This is the 5th step in the 5-step QCPC process and is critical for effectively spreading ACE culture so the organization knows what has been worked on and what to look for in the future as turn back/escapes.
Make QCPC work for you. Have you ever had difficulty identifying waste in your work? Try keeping an interruption log at your desk. Each time you are interrupted, document the interruption and the reason. Each of these represents turnbacks as there is wasted time to recover your thoughts and complete your work. Document these at the end of the day in your turn back system. As actions are taken to minimize or eliminate the causes of the interruptions, prioritizing the important over the urgent will become easier.