Ace Message

Remember to keep striving towards Ace Gold

Monday, 11 July 2011



Do you have a Critical to Customer process that has recently experienced an increase in turnbacks or escapes?  Treasure those turnbacks & escapes - they are telling you there are still opportunities in the process. 

Examine them and do relentless root cause.  You may find that the mistake proofing was not robust enough or that you missed something else.  Make the necessary changes to the process and standard work and monitor the results, and remember to communicate the changes to all. 






 ACE Criteria 11.5



1.       Key leadership has driven  by example the work forces participation in Ace


2.       Leadership is actively involved in progress reviews and demonstrate commitment


3.       The workforce is customer focused and strives for continuous improvement?


4.       Active daily use of the Ace operating system


5.       The organization maintains a Employee Skills Matrix and competency > 90% to business needs


6.       Ace awareness training undertaken by all  employees and records maintained


7.       Participation in the full Employee survey (engagement and Favouribility captured)


8.       Customers are identified and expectations are defined


9.       Industry and competitors have been defined to enable Best in Class comparisons


10.   Identification of Best in Class measures started


11.    Zero repeat  significant escapes 


12.    Customer satisfaction on > 5.0 on Periodic MFA in all categories


13.   There have been no significant audit findings and no failed audits


14.   Benchmarking process has been established and a plan  established to share best practices


15.   Opportunities to add further value are captured through customer feedback


16.   Benchmarking has occurred according to plan


17.   Negative comments and individual scores of 4 are explained through RRCA and validated with the customer


18.   In the last 12 months there have been no accidents resulting in fatality or serious injury


19.   EH&S assurance review score (if applicable) was > 70


20.   The site  has taken responsibility for all supplier issues affecting performance (if the site’s performance gaps are attributed to a supplier performance the site is working with the supplier to improve)


21.   Suppliers are performing according to plan


22.   One key process has a maturity  level of >5


23.   Future state value streams action plans are on schedule or closed (Silver)


24.   Areas are defined and a process is implemented for 6s audits and improvements monthly


25.   6s success stories are shared (before and after pictures)


26.   Electronic files are organized – electronic 6s


27.   All category A  and B equipment cleaned and inspected 


28.   A 5step QCPC system is used to continuously identify and reduce or eliminate turnbacks


29.   QCPC activity is visibly posted


30.   RRCA and MP have resulted in site wide performance improvements


31.   A variety of RRCA tools have  been used


32.   Examples of RRCA and MP are documented and posted


33.   RRCA and MP applied to  QCPC targeted Turnbacks


34.   A process to identify, investigate and resolve top issues is in place (escapes are quickly identified ,teams are formed and RRCA initiated)


35.    Root causes address the systemic issue ( not human error)


36.   Standard work exists and is followed for all Key processes


37.   A system is in place to manage update and access Standard work


38.   Standard work applications show improvements and reduce waste


39.   Work loads are balanced and cross training has occurred to perform multiple job functions


40.    Sustain all lower level requirements

Friday, 8 July 2011



When identifying your key processes and assessing their maturity it is good to think about what the key inputs and outputs will be – REMEMBER to think from the “customer” perspective, identify how data will be collected/used and how would these processes will become robust.